Monday, May 7, 2012

Lag B'omer Schedule 5772

Just to give you a sense of the craziness that is Lag B'omer in Israel, I'd like to share with you the suggested schedule emailed to the members of our yishuv, with suggeted "times" that the various bonfires should end this coming Wednesday night.

זו המלצה בלבד, אך כוחה של המלצה זו יפעל רק אם כולנו ההורים ניישמה, ובכך ניטיב עם ילדינו. עשרות הורים בכלל הקהילות כבר הודיעו על הצטרפותם למהלך. בהצלחה לכולנו.
המדריכים מתנועות הנוער נתבקשו להיות במדורות עד שעת הסיום המוצעת.
כיתות א-ב (אם יש כאלה שעושים ללא ההורים)
כיתות ג
כיתות ד
כיתות ה
כיתות ו- ח
בשעה  01:00-03:00 יוצאים למשחק המרוץ למיליון.

This is just a recommendation, but its power is only effective if all of us parents follow through - for the benefit of our children. Tens of parents in the community have notified us that they will partipate in this initiative. Good luck to us all.
Madrichim of the youth groups are asked to remain present at the bonfires until the recommended end time.

Grade and Suggested End time:
Grades 1-2 (If there are those who make bonfired without parents: 10:30pm
Grade 3: 11:30pm
Grade 4: 12:30am
Grade 5: 1:30am
Grades 6-8: Between the hours of 1:00am and 3:00am the children will participate in the "Race for the Millions" games (a takeoff on a popular Israeli game show).

Reading the email, all I could think was, "Really? My fourth grader should be up until 12:30am at her bonfire? Kids in sixth grade have a program that begins at 1:00am? Why is this a good idea? And why in the world are there parents who let their kids stay out so late?


  1. Agreed - I don't get the idea that spiritual fulfillment can only be achieved by the sleep deprived.


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