Monday, October 24, 2011

A Letter from the Prime Minister...Sort Of

As faithful Chopping Wood readers might remember, I've been reading Yehuda Avner's powerful book "The Prime Ministers". I finally finished it. (As an aside, after all of his devotion and admiration for Menachem Begin, I marveled at the fact that he began his political career firmly entrenched in the Labor camp. It's a wonder how a high level government official on the left suddenly switched course and became an equally if not higher level official on the most right-wing of Israeli governments. What exactly were his political beliefs? And could Begin not find an English speaking aide to do the job so he needed to borrow one from the previous prime minister? Imagine the uproar if Barack Obama had retained George W. Bush's political advisers to assist him in vital government matters. But I digress.)
In any case, I was taken by the powerful chapter describing Begin's weekly shiur, and I thought to myself, "Our current Prime Minister is a big Tanach fan. His son was in the Chidon Hatanach. He'd probably like the idea of reviving the Prime Minster's shiur." So I sent him an email, from his website, suggesting the idea.
That was a while back. Well, this week I got a response, not from the PM, but from the Public affairs Department (their capitalization - really) Here's the letter:

It says:
Honorable Rabbi Spolter, first of all, we thank his honor for his communication to the Prime Minister, Mr. Netanyahu. Secondly, of course, for his important idea to reestablish the custom of Mr. Menachem Begin z"l with relation to the Tanach.
Honorable Rabbi Spolter, it is true as you note in your communication, that the Prime Minister is occupied by an exceedingly busy schedule, a matter that prevents him from participating in activities that do not directly relate to the many subject that he must deal with.
Honorable Rabbi Spolter, due to his busy schedule, the Prime Minister is not answering you personally,your communication has been transmitted to his office.
Wishing you a good year,
Shnaider Nechemia

In other words, he can't learn. He's too busy. (Except, of course, no one seems to have asked him.) Sounds just like the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. Yehuda Avner is a product of Bnei Akiva. Similar to Mafdalniks, he is quite capable of straddling the political fences for the benefit of the greater community. Mr. Begin was a very fair minded individual. Why wouldn't he use someone already proven to be committed and capable? He was driven more by principles than politics.

    Good job on your suggestion to the PM's office. Too bad they just blew you off like that.


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