Thursday, July 14, 2011

What's That Song Again? (Spolter Version)

I've been a fan of the Alan Parsons Project for years. For some reason, their music appeals to me, and in an age of singles and pop hits, their old albums were especially well thought-out and developed a specific theme. In any case, their song Sirius became hugely popular when it became the music that accompanied the introduction of the Bulls at the beginning of games during the Michael Jordan era. See the attached video if you're too young to remember.
Anyway, on the way to Beit Shemesh for Shabbat last Friday, I put my iPod on shuffle, and this song came on. The kids started playing, "Where's this song from?" They knew it from somewhere, but just couldn't place it. Finally, Petachya, my six-year-old, got it.
"I know! It's from Bezalel's Kung Fu Video."
What? And then I remembered. He's right. It is from Bezalel's Kung Fu video. I didn't bother to explain to him that I had put the music in the video. He'll figure it out one day. (If you're interested, that Kung Fu dojo was amazing for Bezalel. Just listen to the mantra that they'd say before and after every practice. When you say, "I will be disciplined, and try as hard as I can at everything I do" time after time, it begins to sink in, even to a seven-year-old. That was a great Dojo.

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